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World Conference on Lung Cancer 2026 (WCLC 2026) Co-Chair Applications

The International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) is proud to announce that it is now accepting applications for groups of qualified IASLC members from Asia and Rest of the World to serve as Co-Chairs for the IASLC 2026 WCLC, taking place September 12 - 15, 2026 in Seoul, South Korea.

 A completed group application is required by the indicated deadline. Therefore, you should carefully review the application requirements, and be prepared to submit the required information about ALL individuals who are named in the group application. Applications for individual participation in WCLC 2026 are not accepted at this time, though individuals may submit general interest to participate in other IASLC activities here.

Details on the conference, roles of the Co-Chairs, and how to apply are below. 

WCLC Background

IASLC’s annual World Conference on Lung Cancer (WCLC) is the world’s largest international gathering of clinicians, researchers, nurses, scientists, and advocates in the field of thoracic malignancies. With delegates from more than 100 countries attending, the Conference provides the ideal forum to discuss the latest findings in lung cancer and thoracic malignancies, and how they impact daily practice.

The WCLC is the key annual IASLC event for members and non-members to foster collaboration, the ideal stage to share/present research findings and the perfect forum for younger generations to meet with peers with interest in thoracic malignancies.

The WCLC delivers an exciting and practice changing program with wide-ranging and multidisciplinary content. In addition to traditional abstract presentations and lectures by world-renowned invited speakers, WCLC offers interactive sessions, hands on workshops as well as several sessions specifically dedicated to nurses, patients, and advocates.

Co-Chair Composition

The IASLC evaluates and selects Conference Co-chairs who are active members of the IASLC and who reside in the region where the World Conference will be held. Typically, the application may identify a team of a maximum of four Co-Chairs. To reflect IASLC’s commitment to diversity and high standards of educational quality, please utilize the guidelines below when forming your proposed team.  

Co-Chair Composition

  • Diversity:
    • Gender (minimum 30% female;50% female ideal)
    • Specialty (minimum of 3 specialties is ideal)
    • Regional/country representation (please select members from more than one country in Asia and Rest of World; ideally this would include a representative from host city/country)
  • Expertise and experience:
    • Proven relevant national or international collaboration of each individual and among the proposed committee (optimally)
    • Experience contributing to and planning international meetings as part of IASLC or other scientific associations/organizations
    • Demonstrated leadership skills within IASLC and/or other organizations (PLEASE NOTE: Current IASLC Board members are ineligible to apply)
Chair/Co-Chair Responsibilities 

The primary role of Co-Chairs and the Scientific Program Committee is to develop a high quality and high impact scientific program. To achieve this, Co-Chairs will work closely with members of the staff, relevant IASLC Committees, Board of Directors, and the WCLC Professional Conference Organizer.

The Co-Chairs are the primary thought leaders for scientific program development. They are also responsible for guiding the scientific rigor of the conference and for ensuring that the meeting aligns with and promotes IASLC’s mission. The Chairs/Co-Chairs will play a major role in developing the scientific and education curriculum of the meeting. 

Additionally, they will:   

  • Participate in regular weekly calls with IASLC and the Professional Conference Organizer to discuss ongoing program development and other Conference related matters. 
  • Serve as ambassadors, along with IASLC leadership and staff, to bring the highest quality and high-impact abstracts and scientific presentations to WCLC. 
  • In conjunction with the IASLC leadership and staff, propose members for the International Scientific Program Committee (also referred to as: Program Track Committees). 
  • In partnership with the IASLC’s relevant committees and leadership, provide recommendations to the IASLC leadership for the invited speaker and abstract program, based on the proposals received from the Program Track Committees. 
  • Support the abstract track and program development and liaise with the IASLC leadership, staff and relevant IASLC committees to propose the full scientific program after the abstract scheduling meeting. 
  • Provide complete disclosures and agree to participate in conflict mitigation measures related to CME.
  • Assist with the disclosure review of the Program Track Committee Chairs and Members. 
  • Assist with the review of any CME related materials as necessary. 
  • Propose abstract reviewers that may be needed beyond the Program Track Committee members.
How to Apply

To apply:

  • CLICK HERE to access the application form. (opens in new tab)
  • When prompted to log in, use your IASLC Member Portal credentials.
    • If you do not know your credentials, click on the "Reset your Password" link to recover your username and/or reset your password. If you are still unable to login, please email membership@iaslc.org
  • Once you have successfully logged in, you will be able to begin work on your application. You may save your application at any time and return to the system at a later date to continue your work. 
  • Applications must be submitted by 12:00 PM MST (noon) June 28, 2024.
Selection Process


July 19, 2024

Deadline for groups to submit application (noon MST)

Submit your application through the online application form. Questions regarding the application process may be addressed to meetings@iaslc.org.  

July 22 - August 23, 2024

Review and Evaluation by IASLC Staff and Executive Committee 

Applicants will be contacted if follow-up questions are necessary.

August 26, 2024

Notifications of outcome of application

Notice of the IASLC’s decision will be sent to all applicants and a kickoff meeting/call will be set up with the Co-Chairs

WCLC 2026 Program Planning Timeline

The timeline detailed below is the ideal WCLC 2026 Program Planning timeline and is subject to change. 

February 2025   Selected Co-Chairs to propose members to serve on Regional Committee. Once finalized with IASLC, participate in the review of COI information.
April - June 2025   Educational program development.
August - September 2025   Co-Chairs develop final Educational Program for approval by IASLC Leadership.
December 2025 Test abstract submission system, establish the abstract review committee.
April - May 2026  Review and schedule abstracts.
May-July 2026 Finalize proposed abstract program including chairpersons and discussants for abstract sessions; assist with development and review of press program.
Time Commitment

Co-Chairs: Approximately 10 hours per month; up to 20 hours in the months of April - June 2025 (finalize invited speaker program) and April - May 2026 (finalize abstract program).

Reimbursement of Expenses Applicable travel expenses for official Conference-related travel (including approved planning activities and applicable faculty roles) will be reimbursed by IASLC, according to applicable expense reimbursement policies.
Questions Questions may be emailed to meetings@iaslc.org