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IASLC 2025 Lectureship Award Nominations

The IASLC Nominating Committee warmly invites all IASLC members to submit nominations for the 2025 Lectureship Awards. Each member may nominate up to five (5) qualified individuals, including self-nominations, for this prestigious recognition.

Continue reading to learn more about the IASLC Lectureship Awards, eligibility requirements, and the nomination submission process.

About the Awards

The IASLC Lectureship Awards honor distinguished IASLC members who have made exceptional contributions to the lung cancer community through their exemplary professional achievements. Recipients are selected from eligible IASLC members, ensuring representation across specialties, geographic regions, and gender diversity. For more information please visit the IASLC website HERE.

CLICK HERE to view a list of past recipients.

Award Criteria

The IASLC Lectureship Awards honor individuals who meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • IASLC Membership: A minimum of five (5) years of active membership.
  • IASLC Service: Previous service to IASLC, such as:
    • Committee participation.
    • Member of the organizing committee or invited faculty (speaker or discussant) for an IASLC conference.
    • Reviewer or Editorial Board Member for JTO/JTO CRR.
    • Contributor to IASLC's scientific surveys (e.g., molecular surveys, COVID-19 studies).
    • Invited speaker for an IASLC webinar or podcast.
  • Professional Standing: At least the rank of Assistant Professor in an academic institution or an equivalent rank in a non-academic institution.
  • Exclusions:
    • Must not have previously received an IASLC Lectureship Award or Distinguished Service Award. (CLICK HERE to view a list of past recipients)
    • Must not currently serve as an IASLC Board Member or Officer.
  • Commitment to Attend WCLC 2025: The awardee must attend the WCLC 2025 (September 6–9, 2025, in Barcelona, Spain) to deliver an award lecture. Travel and expenses will be reimbursed.
Award Presentation

Award recipients will be honored at the annual World Conference on Lung Cancer (WCLC). Benefits include complimentary WCLC registration, reimbursement for travel expenses, and a one-year complimentary IASLC membership.

Awardee Lectures

All Lectureship Award recipients are invited to deliver a 10-minute scientific lecture during a Plenary Session at WCLC 2025. Attendance in person is mandatory, with travel expenses reimbursed. Awardee presentations should be timely, relevant, and forward-looking, showcasing thought leadership within their area of expertise. The Lectureship categories are as follows:

Clifton F. Mountain Lectureship Award for Staging

Daniel C. Ihde Lectureship Award for Medical Oncology

Fred R. Hirsch Lectureship Award for Translational Research

Heine H. Hansen Lectureship Award for Small Cell Lung Cancer

IASLC Lectureship Award for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals (NAHP)

IASLC Lectureship Award for Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation

James D. Cox Lectureship Award for Radiation Oncology

Robert J. Ginsberg Lectureship Award for Surgery

Tsuguo Naruke Lectureship Award for Surgery

How to Nominate a Colleague

To nominate a colleague for an IASLC Lectureship Award, follow these instructions:

  • CLICK HERE (opens in new tab) to access the Nominate a Colleague form.
  • When prompted to log in, use your IASLC Member Portal credentials.
    • If you do not know your credentials, click on the "Reset your Password" link to recover your username and/or reset your password. If you are still unable to login, please email membership@iaslc.org
  • Complete the brief online form to Nominate a Colleague. 
  • The colleague that you nominated will receive an email inviting them to complete a separate form in order to accept the nomination and be considered for the Award. (See the next section for more details.) 

The deadline to Nominate a Colleague is Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 12:00 PM MST.

How to Accept a Colleague's Nomination or Nominate Yourself 

To accept a nomination or self-nominate, CLICK HERE (opens in a new tab) and follow the steps below:

  1. Log In: Use your IASLC Member Portal credentials.

    • If you don’t know your credentials, click the "Reset your Password" link to recover your username or reset your password.
    • If you still cannot log in, please email membership@iaslc.org for assistance.
  2. Complete the Online Form: Provide the following information:

    • Contact Information
    • IASLC Membership and Service Details
    • Demographic Information
    • CV or Biosketch
    • Professional Photo (Headshot)
    • Narrative Biography (300-word limit)
    • One Letter of Recommendation - NOTE: Before completing and submitting this application, please ensure you have contacted your colleague and obtained their approval to provide the required recommendation.
      • The system will automatically initiate a request and retrieve the letter on your behalf upon submission of the application.
      • If you are accepting a colleague's nomination, please request a recommendation letter from them.
      • If multiple colleagues have nominated you, please select one to provide the letter.
  3. Save and Return: You can save your progress and return to the form at any time before the deadline.

To be considered for an IASLC Lectureship Award, you must complete the full nomination form by Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 12:00 PM MDT.

Questions Please email lectureshipnominations@iaslc.org if you have any questions.